Contact Me:

Contact Amy at: -(309)212-1943


"First, let me say, I love to hear your input on the "look" or "story" you are going for in your session.  So speak up tell me any ideas you may have or a "feel" you are going for.  I am just a creative soul, so never fear, I will have plenty of ideas of my own for you as well!"

What to wear?

Coordinated (but not "matchy-matchy"), non-busy, comfortable clothing is suggested.  Rule of thumb, leave the billboards for the roadside and labels for the cans in the cupboard.  This means, those cute gimmicky penny tees are great for everyday but, do you want to advertise for the your favorite  sports team, vacation spot t-shirt, or whatever logo thing forever in your picture hanging on a wall?  Think TIMELESS, trendy is still ok and encouraged, I love me a good trend but, subtle, not in your face with a big logo blasted across your chest or cheesy Old Navy screenprint that you will shake your head at later.
Just a sidenote here, my all time favorite resource for clothing for girls is, I am not at all affiliated, just a huge fan, but you can contact me if you need help getting ahold of some, I do have resources.    Teen/tween girls and even mom's try,,, and are really great.  And young men and dad, I do love me some non-billboard ambercrombie, Gap, and yes even Old Navy.  But, most of all, these are just suggestions, at the end of the day be you.

The Setting:

 I am always interested in new locations you may know about, and yes I have my own special spots to share with you as well.  I also love to work with props such as a favorite toy, grandma's quilt, a seniors musical instrument or hobby piece, etc.  I will ask you about all of these in our initial call and "stylize" the shoot to fit your desires with a hint of my artistic style and flair to top things off!!

When working with natural light I have certain times of day I shoot in.  It revolves around the "golden hour" that happens twice a day.  Early morning, when the sun comes up and shortly there after, is one of those, but, very rarely do you catch me at my best then,{wink}  So, most all off my sessions happen around the second golden hour of the day, which is sunset.  This means to get the most magical pictures, your session will be scheduled from late afternoon early evening.  The exception to this is overcast days, they are actually fantastic to shoot in and make up a lot of my middle of the winter outdoor session.

A Few more notes:

 Come ready to have fun and relax I want this to be a memorable reflection of you and your family and to capture who you are right now.  And remember, I am laid back, go with the flow kind of girl, so don't stress, I am specifically speaking to you moms out there.  Hey I have 2 kids of my own, I know how it goes, angels one moment, not so much the next. right?  Don't worry about that when the kids are involved we go with their flow I want this to be an experience for them as well, let them go and be them, I promise you will cherish the "real" them I will be able to capture with my lens for you.

Pricing Information is located at the link over to the left side.  This covers Amy's session fee and package pricing. Please Contact Amy to schedule and capture your memories at or 1.309.212.1943